Kolkata Egg Rate: Today Egg Price in Kolkata

You can check out daily Kolkata Egg Rate, including the last 10 days of egg rate data. So stay informed and updated by visiting eggratehub.in on a regular basis.

Kolkata Todays Egg Rate

4th June₹500₹150‬₹1050₹5
3rd June₹500₹150‬₹1050₹5
2nd June₹500₹150‬₹1050₹5
1st June₹515₹154.5‬₹1,081.5‬₹5.15
31th May₹525₹157.5‬₹1,102.5‬₹5.25
30th May₹525₹157.5‬₹1,102.5‬₹5.25
29th May₹545₹163.5‬₹1,110.9‬₹5.45
28th May₹545₹163.5‬₹1,110.9‬₹5.45
27th May₹545₹163.5‬₹1,110.9‬₹5.45

Kolkata Market Average Egg Rate


Kolkata Egg Rate Today

As per today’s  NECC update Kolkata Egg Rate is ₹485, for 100 eggs, So the egg rate per dozen is ₹‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭58.2‬, which indicates per egg price is ₹4.85, and if we calculate whole sale price of 1 Tray, which contains 30 eggs, the rate will be ₹145.5‬, Peti rate which include 210 eggs is ₹1,018.5‬. Today’s egg rate in Kolkata indicates minor dercrease in price as compared to previous rates.

Kolkata Egg Rate

Our site, eggratehub.in daily updates on the egg rates of multiple cities in India. All rates are updated based on recent data from NECC. The egg rate is important not only for the egg producer but also for the consumer. The increase and decrease in egg prices help consumers make decisions about egg purchasing. The average egg price indicates the market condition for that particular month.

The daily egg rates also help farmers and egg producers monitor the market situation, as changes in rates affect further production and distribution. The price of eggs changes depending on multiple factors, such as demand and supply factors, feed costs, and other expenses involved in egg production.

So eggratehub.in provides you with comprehensive details of today’s 5th-June-24 egg rates for Kolkata, including all decision factors for customers, wholesalers, and retailers, based on the most recent egg price data collected from NECC.